IncrementalSignature Struct

Represents the state of a signature algorithm that can be incrementally updated with segments of data.

public readonly struct IncrementalSignature

The type provides an “init, update, final” interface for computing a signature: First, a state needs to be initialized with the signing key to be used. The state can then be updated zero or more times with segments of data. Finalizing the state yields a result that is identical to the signature of the concatenated segments.


IncrementalSignature instances have value-type semantics: Passing an instance to a method or assigning it to a variable creates a copy of the state. It is therefore recommended to always pass instances using ref, in, or out.


The following C# example shows how to compute a signature from multiple segments of data:

// define some data to be signed
var lines = new[]
    "Luke Skywalker has returned to\n",
    "his home planet of Tatooine in\n",
    "an attempt to rescue his\n",
    "friend Han Solo from the\n",
    "clutches of the vile gangster\n",
    "Jabba the Hutt.\n",

// select the Ed25519ph algorithm
var algorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.Ed25519ph;

// create a new key pair
using var key = Key.Create(algorithm);

// initialize the state with the private key
IncrementalSignature.Initialize(key, out var state);

// incrementally update the state with the data
foreach (var line in lines)
    IncrementalSignature.Update(ref state, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(line));

// finalize the computation and get the result
var signature = IncrementalSignature.Finalize(ref state);




Gets the algorithm that was used to initialize the state.

public SignatureAlgorithm2? Algorithm { get; }

Property Value

An instance of the SignatureAlgorithm2 class, or null if the current instance has not been initialized yet or if it has been finalized.

Static Methods

Initialize(Key, out IncrementalSignature)

Initializes the IncrementalSignature state with the specified private key.

public static void Initialize(
    Key privateKey,
    out IncrementalSignature state)


The private key to use for computing the signature.
When this method returns, contains the initialized state.


privateKey is null.
privateKey.Algorithm is not an instance of the SignatureAlgorithm2 class.

Update(ref IncrementalSignature, ReadOnlySpan<byte>)

Updates the IncrementalSignature state with the specified span of bytes.

public static void Update(
    ref IncrementalSignature state,
    ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)


The state to be updated with data.
A segment of the data to sign.


state has not been initialized yet or has already been finalized.

Finalize(ref IncrementalSignature)

Completes the signature computation and returns the result as an array of bytes.

public static byte[] Finalize(
    ref IncrementalSignature state)


The state to be finalized.

Return Value

The computed signature.


state has not been initialized yet or has already been finalized.

Finalize(ref IncrementalSignature, Span<byte>)

Completes the signature computation and fills the specified span of bytes with the result.

public static void Finalize(
    ref IncrementalSignature state,
    Span<byte> signature)


The state to be finalized.
The span to fill with the computed signature.


state has not been initialized yet or has already been finalized.
signature.Length is not equal to SignatureSize.
The private key used to initialize the state has been disposed.

Thread Safety

Any public static members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. As with any other type, reading and writing to a shared variable that contains an instance of this type must be protected by a lock to guarantee thread safety.

See Also